Reading at Newby
At Newby Primary School, we are committed to teaching our pupils to become skilled readers who develop a comprehensive understanding of words, language and texts as they move through school. They learn to read and then read to learn. By using a range of strategies, our aim is to ensure that pupils develop a love of reading so that they can read for purpose and for pleasure. We provide pupils with a range of strategies in order to do this.
Learning to Read: Early Years and Key Stage One
Systematic synthetic phonics is taught using the Little Wandle: Letters and Sounds Revised programme throughout Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. This is used to ensure the pupils are taught new phonemes in a particular order using the four part lesson format: revisit/review, teach, practise and apply. Whole-class teaching takes place on a daily basis.
Daily Reading:
In order for pupils to apply their phonic knowledge, they read in small groups, with an adult, five times a week. Books are chosen carefully to ensure they match the child's ability in phonics. Over the course of the week, the groups read their book five times, each time focussing on a different aspect of reading. This is the same book they take home to enjoy reading to their parents as well.
Learning to Read: Whole Class Reading
Across school, all pupils take part in daily reading sessions, delivered to the whole class.
Pupils read a variety of high quality texts which are carefully selected to compliment the over-arching topic. These texts are pitched 18months above the child’s chronological age to ensure there is appropriate stretch and challenge for all pupils.
The weekly timetable is structured so that there is an emphasis on developing fluency and reading stamina as a priority.
A love of Reading
Our ultimate aim is to create a community where everyone, staff, pupils and their parents, love Reading. Throughout school, children have the opportunity to access a carefully curated selection of high quality children's literature. Fortnightly book blether sessions give an opportunity for children through school to talk to their peers about the books they are reading, sharing what they've enjoyed and developing a shared Reading experience. In Early Years and Key Stage One these books are also available for children to access during time in the basic provision. Multiple copies of each text encourage children to work together to read, re-tell and enjoy books together.
Reading to Learn: Reading across the curriculum.
Across school, children have access to Fiction and Non-Fiction which link to the curriculum topics and themes. Children are encouraged to read widely to enhance their understanding of subjects. In Key Stage Two, children come together on a fortnightly basis to have a 'feed-in-fact' session. Children are encouraged to bring facts and information which they have found in their books and share them with their peers. In Key Stage One and Early Years, these books are available during the day for children to access as part of the basic provision.