Admission Arrangements:
All admissions are dealt with by the Bradford Local Authority.
Demand usually exceeds the number of places that are available so the following priorities apply, in order:
- School Looked-After Children, defined under S.2, The Children Act, 1989 (b).
- Referrals from other agencies on the basis of need (e.g. social, medical).
- Children who have an older sibling attending Newby at the point of admittance.
- Distance from school. Those living nearest are admitted first.
Children become eligible for a place in Nursery at the start of the term after that in which they turn three. Children will be admitted to school in the year in which their fifth birthday falls.
The Local Education Authority will advise parents of schools in the area which do have places. Any parent who is unhappy with the allocation has the right of appeal.
At Newby, we comply with the terms of the Disability Discrimination Act, making reasonable adjustments to meet all children’s needs.
Prior to your child starting Nursery or school you will be invited to a meeting at which the Headteacher will outline the school organisation and discuss any questions you may have.
Click here to view the Local Authority Admissions Policy for children in Reception to Year 6.
For more information about how to appeal the Local Authority Admission decision, please click here.

Numbers on Roll:
Newby has provisions for 60 pupils in each year group from Reception to Year 6 and 39 places for morning only Nursery.