Our Acceptable Usage Agreements:
The Internet is an increasingly important factor in every day life and we all spend more and more time online. Remembering how to use the internet safely, securely and to get as much out of it as you can is really important.
In school we talk about 'SMART' rules which you can see here. It's really important to remember to think
'Would I do this if I was there in person?'
So, for example, if you met a stranger in the street, would you tell them where you live? Would you believe everything they told you? Would you say unkind things to them? The answer to all of those questions is no, so therefore we shouldn't do it online either.
It's also really important to remember to tell an adult if something does happen that makes you feel uncomfortable. You could speak to an adult at home or to an adult in school - the most important thing is to tell someone.
If you are concerned about something and you want to report it - use the link below. It will take you to a website where you can make a report to the Online Protection Team.