Extra- Curricular Opportunities
We believe it is important for all children to have an opportunity to attend extra-curricular activities. These extra-curricular activities are a fundamental part to ensuring we achieve our vision that all children will become future leaders who are kind, confident and successful.
We also understand that a number of our children attend Madrasa after school so may not be able to attend a club at this time. Whilst we do offer some after-school opportunities, we also run lunchtime clubs each day. These clubs are organised under key 'themes' so that children have access to a range of opportunities. All children are encouraged to attend at least one club a week.
These key themes are: Music, Sport and Health, The Arts, Life Skills and STEM. In Music we offer choir, recorder club, Ukelele orchestra and Samba band. In Sport and Health we offer a range of fitness based sports activities, Zumba and Yoga, as well as clubs focusing on mental health such as mindfulness and meditation. In Life Skills, clubs such as Gardening and Cooking equip our children with key skills they can use outside of school. In STEM coding clubs and Lego give children an opportunity to develop creatively whilst using technology. The Arts clubs include dance and art clubs.
Timetable of Clubs and Extra-Curricular Opportunities:
Further details of the clubs we will be offering in 2023/24 are below Last year pupils enjoyed Ukulele, Recorder, Choir, Art, Multi-Skills, Martial Arts, Football, Coding and DJ Club. We're hoping to offer the same in 2023/24 with the addition of some new and exciting clubs too.
We will continue to change and add to these clubs as the year goes on. Please note, parents will be informed of which club/s their child has been allocated to.