We know that children are spending considerably more time on electronic devices, including those connected to the internet. With this in mind, we thought it vital to share some valuable resources with you in relation how you can ensure your children stay safe whilst online.
We have a seperate page for children to access which compliment the work we do in school. The guides below are designed to support you as parents in keeping your children safe while online.
All guides are written by staff at the National Online Safety website, which can be accessed by visiting www.nationalonlinesafety.com
Children can access the internet via a range of devices. You may or may not know that most games consoles now connect to the internet and children have the opportunity to play with other people online. It is really important that as a parent, you understand how to control your child's device so that you can monitor their online activity. We have tried to make reference to the most common devices used by children and these guides are below. However, if you have a different device please the nationalonlinesafety.com web page to find the information you need or speak to your child's class teacher.
Age Ratings
Just like films, all games and social media sites or apps have an age restriction. It is really important that you know what these are and that you ensure you and your child adhere to them.
By not adhering to the age restrictions children could be exposed to inappropriate content. This is not always about being 'online' and may come from the game content itself. It is also important to make sure any older siblings who may be old enough to have access to some of the games and social media sites, do not then expose younger children to them.
We have put some guides below for games which are not suitable for children in primary school but that we often hear children discussing. They are both rated as 18+.
Where we hear children discussing these kinds of games or apps, we would always get in touch with you as parents as it is a safeguarding concern.
Useful Web-Links
'Our Pact' is one of many apps you can download to be able to monitor your child's use of their device both online and offline. Other options are available. https://ourpact.com/
If you are unsure of the 'Age Rating' of a game you can use the website 'ESRB Game Rating' - https://www.esrb.org/ - simply type in the name of the game and it will tell you the age rating.
The NSPCC and O2 have teamed up to review every social media platform, gaming site etc. in relation to child safety. If you're unsure if something is appropriate or how to have more control over something, this website will be able to help. https://www.net-aware.org.uk/networks/
Being Kind Online
It's really important to us that children remember to demonstrate our Newby values when they're online. We actively encourage children to be 'kind online'.
If you are concerned about something that has happened online and you do not want to discuss it with school, we would encourage you to complete a 'report' on the CEOP website.
The 'Child Exploitation and Online Protection' team will be able to support you and take any action necessary.