PE and Sports Premium

The PE and Sports Premium funding is provided by the Government. National it represents additional funding of £150 million per annum to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - will be allocated to primary school headteachers.
This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools. Details of how much money we receive can be found in the strategy statements below.
The reports below give details of how this funding has been spent and how this spending is designed to be a long term investment into the Physical Education our children receive. They also gives details of how many pupils within Year 6 meet the National Curriculum requirements to swim competently.
Current Spending
Details of our previous years spending and the impact can be found below. We have put together an action plan of how we intend to spend the 2023/24 allocation, details of which can be found on the action plan below. Newby is set to receive approximately £20,000 as our Sports Premium Grant - further details will be published here when the full allocation is published.
The plan aims to address the 5 key indicators set out in the DfE guidance. A summary can be seen adjacent.
A Summary of Spending
Over a number of years we have spent the additional funding in a strategic way to ensure any spending has a lasting impact. For more detailed information please see the adjacent documents. A summary of some of the things we have invested in are:
- the appointment of a skilled P.E and sports co-ordinator who has written medium term planning ensuring continuity and progression of skills
- upskilling staff in school through shared teaching with the P.E and sports co-ordinator
- the purchase of equipment in Early Years to ensure an improvement in the physical development of the youngest pupils
- expanding the range of clubs, competitions and sporting opportunities to interest a wider number of pupils e.g. golf, ballet and girls football