Our fundamental belief at Newby is that our role as Educators is to ensure children are ready for the future. Whilst academic success plays a part in this, we passionately believe that life skills are as important, if not more so. Our curriculum is designed to create future leaders who are kind, confident and successful. Leaders of themselves, leaders of their community and leaders of the world.
Decisions we make, including how we have designed the curriculum, are underpinned by research - all staff have a strong understanding of the 'why' that sits at the core of what we do.
The Newby Curriculum is designed to ensure all children can engage and feel successful. The Curriculum is adapted appropriately to meet individual needs as well as cohort needs. For more information as to how this is done, please see each individual subject page or the SEND page.
We also believe that staff should be equipped to deliver the curriculum - a lot of professional development time is given to the 'how' of pedagogy both as a general topic and also in specific subjects.
Clear structures and teaching sequences underpin the teaching of Reading, Writing and Maths. The wider curriculum is taught through a sustained shared thinking pedagogy which encourages children to become thinkers; asking questions, taking the lead and presenting what they've learnt in unique and creative ways.
The core content (knowledge and skills) which we want all pupils to have at the end of a teaching sequence are well detailed. Knowledge organisers, repetition of core content, retrieval sessions and a sharp focus on the core content required ensures all pupils, including those who have a Special Educational Need or Disability, can access and retain learning.
A curriculum for all!
At Newby we passionately believe all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which stretches and challenges them regardless of background or ability.
As a school we have restructured the working hours of some members of our staff team to be able to offer children intervention work before and after school. In turn this means children are not withdrawn from other lessons during the school day.
Each curriculum subject has considered how the teaching sequence may need to be adapted to ensure all children can access the learning. In some subjects this might mean providing knowledge organisers, additional work on Vocabulary or concrete resources. Equally, it may also mean having adapted activities or resourcing, for example in PE or Art, so that the children can access the session. More details of this can be found on each of the subject area pages.